2009/6/23 Matt Clark <matt.clar...@gmail.com>

> I vote for Clojure Development Tools.  There's something to be said
> for consistency, and I agree that the j insertion will be getting old
> soon.

I also like the fact that it is very clear. But for referencing it, we will
have to have a simpler name. For "Clojure Development Tools", it would be
cljdt. Do you think it appropriate ?

What I also don't like that much (but is it a real problem ? maybe it's just
me, please tell), is that "Clojure Development Tools" seems to me to be too
abstract, and does not make it clear that it's an Eclipse Tool. I'm a little
embarrassed to occupy with this name (as the name clojuredev did, by the
way) all the name space of what could be considered a "clojure development

> On Jun 23, 8:47 am, Laurent PETIT <laurent.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Since the switch to git, there has also been the creation of a mailing
> list
> > called clojure-dev for discussions concerning clojure development, and a
> > twitter account also named clojuredev.
> >
> > While Rich didn't mention that he was bothered that the Eclipse project
> also
> > has the same name, it could be confusing for us to keep the clojure-dev
> > name.
> >
> > Would you help us find a new name, by giving ideas of voting for your
> > favorite ?
> >
> > Here is a beginning list of potential new names :
> >
> >  * CLJDT (CLojure Development Tools , named after the other Eclipse
> plugins
> > JDT for Java Development Tools and CDT for C/C++ Development Tools)
> >  * eclojure (named after nothing, but an interesting contraction of the
> > beginning of ECLipse and CLOJURE).
> >  * eclipje
> >
> > Thanks in advance for all giving their preference and/or new name ideas,
> >
> > --
> > Laurent
> >

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