
Am 17.06.2009 um 15:26 schrieb Konrad Hinsen:

It didn't work for me this morning. I used hg-git to clone the
Clojure repository and then tried to build it. The build failed, and
further inspection showed that core.clj was a few hundred lines
shorter than the copy at github. I didn't pursue the issue any further.

I have used hg-git on various small repositories without problems,
but Clojure seems to be too much for it.

hg-git put me in the lazy branch. I'm not sure how the
branches are handled by the hg-git module. I just
did "hg update -C origin/master" to get back to the
master  and branch and everything worked for me.
(At least it compiled w/o problems, haven't had the
chance to check in detail.)


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