Hello Stephen and fellow Clojurians, as threatened before here a first stab at a small action and menu builder suite. It is inspired by what Waterfront does. You basically create a map describing the action or menu and let the builder functions create them for you. Example:
(let [frame (JFrame. "Example") save-action (make-action {:name "Save" :mnemonic KeyEvent/VK_S:long-desc "Save the file to disk. No-op if file not modified"
:short-desc "Save file" :handler save-file-handler}) menubar-spec [{:name "File" :mnemonic KeyEvent/VK_F :items [{:action save-action} {} ; <- adds a separator {:name "Close Window" :mnemonic KeyEvent/VK_W :handler (fn [_] (.close frame))}]} {:name "Help" :mnemonic KeyEvent/VK_H :items [{:name "About" :mnemonic KeyEvent/VK_A :handler (fn [_] (show-about))}]}] menubar (make-menubar menubar-spec)] (doto frame (.setJMenbuBar menubar) (.pack) (.setVisible true))) So the whole description is code. It can be put in IRefs and be modified at runtime with the usual means. Here's the code: (defvar action-translation-table (atom {:name Action/NAME :accelerator Action/ACCELERATOR_KEY :command-key Action/ACTION_COMMAND_KEY :long-desc Action/LONG_DESCRIPTION :short-desc Action/SHORT_DESCRIPTION :mnemonic Action/MNEMONIC_KEY :icon Action/SMALL_ICON}) "Translation table for the make-action constructor.") (defn make-action "Create an Action proxy from the given action spec. The standard keysrecognised are: :name, :accelerator, :command-key, :long- desc, :short-desc, :mnemonic and :icon – corresponding to the similar named Action properties. The :handler value is used in the actionPerformed method of the proxy to
pass on the event." [spec] (let [t-table @action-translation-table handler (:handler spec) spec (dissoc spec :handler) spec (map (fn [[k v]] [(t-table k) v]) spec) action (proxy [AbstractAction] [] (actionPerformed [evt] (handler evt)))] (doseq [[k v] spec] (.putValue action k v)) action)) (defvar menu-constructor-dispatch (atom #{:action :handler :items}) "An atom containing the dispatch set for the add-menu-item method.") (defmulti add-menu-item "Adds a menu item to the parent according to the item description. The item description is a map of the following structure. Either:- one single :action specifying a javax.swing.Action to be associated
with the item. - a specification suitable for make-action- a set of :name, :mnemonic and :items keys, specifying a submenu with
the given sequence of item entries. - an empty map specifying a separator." {:arglists '([parent item])} (fn add-menu-item-dispatch [_ item] (some @menu-constructor-dispatch (keys item)))) (defmethod add-menu-item :action add-menu-item-action [parent {:keys [action]}] (let [item (JMenuItem. action)] (.add parent item))) (defmethod add-menu-item :handler add-menu-item-handler [parent spec] (add-menu-item parent {:action (make-action spec)})) (defmethod add-menu-item :items add-menu-item-submenu [parent {:keys [items mnemonic name]}] (let [menu (JMenu. name)] (when mnemonic (.setMnemonic menu mnemonic)) (doseq [item items] (add-menu-item menu item)) (.add parent menu))) (defmethod add-menu-item nil ; nil meaning separator add-menu-item-separator [parent _] (.addSeparator parent)) (defn make-menubar"Create a menubar containing the given sequence of menu items. The menu items are described by a map as is detailed in the docstring of the add- menu-item
function." [menubar-items] (let [menubar (JMenuBar.)] (doseq [item menubar-items] (add-menu-item menubar item)) menubar)) Sincerely Meikel
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