Talk about bad timing - reading the "Silly question from Programming
Clojure" it looks like a book thread already got started there. Here
were some additional mentions:

Laurent PETIT: OOSC: Object Oriented Software Construction, but this
is OOP so I'm disinclined to include it for this specific list
Paul Stadig: Concepts of Programming Languages by Sebesta, suggested
as more general than SICP

On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 1:12 PM, Robert Campbell<> wrote:
> Going beyond the language-specific Programming Clojure book, what
> other books have best helped you make the (sometimes mind-bending)
> transition from OOP thinking to FP thinking? My bookshelf is piled
> high with OOP books like Design Patterns, Domain Driven Design,
> Analysis Patterns, etc. I've recently ordered:
> - Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming (mentioned
> on this/compojure's list)
> - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (highly
> recommended on Stackoverflow, lectures posted online)
> Any others?

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