Hi Frantisek!

On May 25, 2009, at 7:11 AM, Frantisek Sodomka wrote:

(def a)
(deftest test-binding
 (are (= _1 _2)
     (binding [a 4] a) 4     ; regression in Clojure SVN r1370

I see those tests going in over time... Thanks so much for making them!

The checkin notes for this change mention "top level". I suspect that's related to why the test you posted gave a false pass.

We can use eval to bring the test up to the top level:

        (def a)
        (deftest test-binding
         (are (= _1 _2)
              (eval `(binding [a 4] a)) 4     ; regression in Clojure SVN r1370

This passes with r1375 and fails with r1370.

Will this be our first test in clojure-contrib.test-clojure.vars?

Feel free to check this in or let me know if you'd like me to.



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