On May 16, 4:32 pm, Saptarshi <saptarshi.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am totally new to Clojure and have dabbled in Scala. In Scala, it is
> possible to override the + operator ,e.g a class A can overide +.
> In Clojure, I would have a struct and not a class. Can I still
> override the + operator in Clojure?
In Scheme, you can do this -- define another name for the original +,
and then redefine the original + to be a generic function (in
implementations that support it) or a normal function that delegates
to the original + if the inputs are numbers. There are performance
penalties involved, of course.
In Clojure, it is possible to do the former -- (def orig+ +) -- but it
appears that overriding a clojure.core definition is not possible. I'd
love to be wrong on this, though.
user=> (def + -)
java.lang.Exception: Name conflict, can't def + because namespace:
user refers to:#'clojure.core/+ (NO_SOURCE_FILE:5)
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