On May 7, 2009, at 2:37 PM, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:

That's right. The clojure.jar that I am using contains only the AOT
compiled .class files.

The default "ant" build includes both compiled files and sources in the clojure.jar it produces.

Should I use the "slim" jar instead?

The clojure-slim jar contains compiled Java code, but only sources for Clojure code. You would be sure to have Clojure sources in that case. The downside is slower startup time.

Which one do you use?

It's working for me with a clojure.jar built from a recent SVN Checkout using ant.

Is there any way to have a jar file with both .class & .clj files?


As a sanity check you might try with clojure 1.0. I've confirmed that clojure-1.0.0.jar includes both .class files and .clj files for the Clojure code. The source files appear down at the bottom when listing the jar directory with:

        jar -tf clojure-1.0.0.jar

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