Hi Adrian!

Thanks for this tutorial, I put it on the wiki 
http://wiki.github.com/cgrand/enlive/getting-started (I fixed two typos: 
a missing paren and an extraneous colon and I simplified to-li).

Speaking of to-li, (to-li ["one" "two"]) can be written (map (wrap :li) 
["one" "two"]).

While trying to write a tutorial myself, I realized that this kind of 
simple thing (replicating a simple element) was harder than replicating 
a complex element:

(def simple (-> "<ul><li>Sample text</li></ul>" java.io.StringReader. 
html-resource first))
(def harder (-> "<ul><li><a href=''>Author</a>: <blockquote>a 
quote</blockquote></li></ul>" java.io.StringReader. html-resource first))

(at simple
  [:li] #(for [x items] ((content x) %))

(at harder
  [:li] #(for [{:keys [link author quote]} items]
           (at %
             [:blockquote] (content quote)
             [:a] (do->
                    (set-attr :href link)
                    (content author)))))

I think I'll add a 'clone (or 'clone-for or a better name?) macro:

(at simple
  [:li] (clone [x items] (content x)))

(at harder
  [:li] (clone [{:keys [link author quote]} items]
          [:blockquote] (content quote)
          [:a] (do->
                 (set-attr :href link)
                 (content author))))

Thanks again Adrian!


Adrian Cuthbertson a écrit :
> I've uploaded a file
> http://groups.google.co.za/group/clojure/web/enlive-tut1.txt?hl=en
> which is a basic tutorial on getting started with Enlive (the html
> transformation library).
> Christophe, this is intended as a contribution to the Enlive project,
> so you're welcome to use it as part of the Enlive documentation, on
> the wiki, etc. Also, please feel free to enhance it and make any
> corrections.
> Enlive is an outstanding tool for web development. Thanks Christophe
> for your initiatives.
> Regards, Adrian.
> >

Professional: http://cgrand.net/ (fr)
On Clojure: http://clj-me.blogspot.com/ (en)

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