On Apr 7, 8:36 am, "Remco van 't Veer" <rwvtv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What does logcat report?  (use "adb logcat" on the commandline or "M-x
> android-logcat" if you're using my emacs minor mode).

I sent Remco the log and he suggested: "I think Java 1.6 is giving you
trouble here.  Try rebuilding the clojure.jar and your application
using 1.5"

I did just that and it worked. Huzzah (and thanks). Probably worth
mentioning this in the tutorial?

One thing though, for the record. With both java versions (1.5 and
1.6) there's a problem with command-line argument order in the
application build:

        [echo] Converting compiled files and external libraries into
       [apply] java.lang.RuntimeException: -JXmx512M: file not found

I have addressed this by commenting out <arg value="-JXmx512M" />
under <target name="dex" ... > in the application's build.xml and
changing the last line of android's tools/dx.bin to "call java -
Djava.ext.dirs=%frameworkdir% -Xmx512M -jar %jarpath% %*". This'll do
for me but if anyone wants to suggest a tidier solution then go right

- nick
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