Is this what you're looking for:

        user=> (doc the-ns)
          If passed a namespace, returns it. Else, when passed a symbol,
          returns the namespace named by it, throwing an exception if not
        user=> (the-ns 'user)
        #<Namespace user>

If not, please describe what you're after more explicitly.


On Apr 5, 2009, at 2:29 PM, dysinger wrote:

How can I introspect namespaces?  I can once I have some definitions
going it seems but not before (I am noob).  See below example:

(ns x.y.z
 (import '(java.util.logging Logger)))
(def log (Logger/getLogger "x.y.z")) ;; <-- how-to introspect this
ns ?
(.addHandler log (FileHandler. (format "/var/log/%s.log" (:ns
;; once I have a def I can introspect the ns from the metadata
;; is that the only way?

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