Thanks for the instant response!

@William - I didn't realize that set! needed to be in (binding ...),
thanks for the tip. I'm still getting used to var/ref/agent/atom -
it's good to know that atom may be the right thing here.

@Eric - That's a cool way of doing it! This way the counter is not
even exposed in the environment, way cool!

I ended up solving my overall problem using the Animator utility,
which is designed exactly for driving the game loop (idea from the
gears Clojure port at

In case anyone's interested, here's a Clojure port of the JOGL demo on
Wikipedia (

;This is a Clojure port of the JOGL example in Wikipedia
;Author: Curran Kelleher
;License: Public Domain
;jar dependencies: jogl.jar, gluegen-rt.jar

;for the REPL (use C-x C-e):
  ;these are the default paths of the jars in Ubuntu (via sudo apt-get
install libjogl-java)
  (add-classpath "file:/usr/share/java/jogl.jar")
  (add-classpath "file:/usr/share/java/gluegen-rt.jar")

(import '(java.awt Frame)
        '(java.awt.event WindowListener WindowAdapter KeyListener KeyEvent)
        '( GLCanvas GLEventListener GL GLAutoDrawable)
        '( GLU)
        '(com.sun.opengl.util Animator))
(def rotateT 0)
(def glu (new GLU))
(def canvas (new GLCanvas))
(def frame (new Frame "Jogl 3D Shape/Rotation"))
(def animator (new Animator canvas))
(defn exit "Stops animation and closes the OpenGL frame." []
  (.stop animator)
  (.dispose frame))

 (proxy [GLEventListener] []
    [#^GLAutoDrawable drawable]
    (doto (.getGL drawable)
      (.glClear (. GL GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT))
      (.glClear (. GL GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT))
      (.glTranslatef 0 0 -5)

      (.glRotatef rotateT 1 0 0)
      (.glRotatef rotateT 0 1 0)
      (.glRotatef rotateT 0 0 1)
      (.glRotatef rotateT 0 1 0)

      (.glBegin (. GL GL_TRIANGLES))

      ; Front
      (.glColor3f 0 1 1)
      (.glVertex3f 0 1 0)
      (.glColor3f 0 0 1)
      (.glVertex3f -1 -1 1)
      (.glColor3f 0 0 0)
      (.glVertex3f 1 -1 1)

      ; Right Side Facing Front
      (.glColor3f 0 1 1)
      (.glVertex3f 0 1 0)
      (.glColor3f 0 0 1)
      (.glVertex3f 1 -1 1)
      (.glColor3f 0 0 0)
      (.glVertex3f 0 -1 -1)

      ; Left Side Facing Front
      (.glColor3f 0 1 1)
      (.glVertex3f 0 1 0)
      (.glColor3f 0 0 1)
      (.glVertex3f 0 -1 -1)
      (.glColor3f 0 0 0)
      (.glVertex3f -1 -1 1)

      (.glColor3f 0 0 0)
      (.glVertex3f -1 -1 1)
      (.glColor3f 0.1 0.1 0.1)
      (.glVertex3f 1 -1 1)
      (.glColor3f 0.2 0.2 0.2)
      (.glVertex3f 0 -1 -1)

    (def rotateT (+ 0.2 rotateT)))

   (displayChanged [drawable m d])

    [#^GLAutoDrawable drawable]
    (doto (.getGL drawable)
      (.glShadeModel (. GL GL_SMOOTH))
      (.glClearColor 0 0 0 0)
      (.glClearDepth 1)
      (.glEnable (. GL GL_DEPTH_TEST))
      (.glDepthFunc (. GL GL_LEQUAL))
               (. GL GL_NICEST)))
     (proxy [KeyListener] []
        (when (= (.getKeyCode e) (. KeyEvent VK_ESCAPE))

    [#^GLAutoDrawable drawable x y w h]
    (when (> h 0)
      (let [gl (.getGL drawable)]
        (.glMatrixMode gl (. GL GL_PROJECTION))
        (.glLoadIdentity gl)
        (.gluPerspective glu 50 (/ w h) 1 1000)
        (.glMatrixMode gl (. GL GL_MODELVIEW))
        (.glLoadIdentity gl))))))

(doto frame
  (.add canvas)
  (.setSize 640 480)
  (.setUndecorated true)
  (.setExtendedState (. Frame MAXIMIZED_BOTH))
   (proxy [WindowAdapter] []
     (windowClosing [e] (exit))))
  (.setVisible true))
(.start animator)
(.requestFocus canvas)

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