Sean wrote:
> I'm working with AWT, and there is a method that requires a float[]
> (The java.awt.BasicStroke constructor).  Is it possible to directly
> create an array of primitives directly in Clojure, or do I need to
> create a utility class in Java?


(doc make-array)

(doc into-array)

For example, the java equivalent of: float[] my_array = new float[100];

(def my-array (make-array Float/TYPE 100))

A very silly example, to fill in the array.

; Fill the native array:
(dotimes [i (count my-array)]
  (aset my-array i (float i)))

Then you may want to iterate it using a shallow 'vec' wrapper to iterate 
the array:

; Print its values:
(doseq [v (vec my-array)]
  (println v))


Albert Cardona

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