On Apr 1, 8:16 pm, Lau_of_DK <lau.jen...@bestinclass.dk> wrote:
> Keep me posted please, if this turns into something concrete

Looks like we've got enough to get a user's group started -- great!
Seems most people are in cph, and I am in Aarhus :-(, but that should
be no problem.

I know Rich was invited for JAOO at QCon London, but I don't know if
he has confirmed yet (if you are following -- are you coming to Aarhus
in september?). In either case, I'll make sure to arrange a small
workshop or something of the like (I'm pretty sure the dcug will get a
few new users at JAOO!).

Please make sure you subscribe to the feed - I'll post news/updates
there. Also, if you are arranging talks locally let me know, I'll put
news up on the blog...

Looking forward to it. Cheers,
- Karl
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