Whatever it's worth as a datum, my experience is that I usually find
myself writing upcase, downcase, titlecase functions in most
applications, because

 (1) they're prettier & more succinct when passed as first-class
(downcase vs. #(.toLowerCase %))
 (2) I can add type hints once, in the downcase, upcase, etc.
functions, instead of doing so at each invocation (#(.toLowerCase
#^String %))

I think (2)'s the most compelling reason. The type-hinting situation
in Clojure is currently pretty impressive, I've found; a relatively
small number of hints strategically placed usually eliminate most or
all of the reflection that occurs in my first draft of functions. But
many string-processing operations -- for whatever reason -- usually
need a manual hint.

I agree that it's not desirable to balloon the Clojure API with thin
wrappers on the Java APIs, but, like pc, think this might be an

I'm less sure about the other proposed changes to str-utils -- the
variable-arity versions of re-split, -partition, -sub, -gsub. Maybe a
regex-parse lib in contrib would be a better place?

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