Hi Jack!

I could be wrong but I think this could just be: (every? eval members)
I see a few things here that seem strange to me so I wanted to share a few
points that might be helpful (or might not, let me know either way) for
future code.

* So typically you don't want to def or defn within another function call
since that will define a new value at the top level.

(defn foo []
  (def bar 1)
  (println (inc bar))

;; ^^ calling foo will define bar at the top level

;; => 1
;; whoops, didn't mean to have that at the top level like that
;; imagine if two different threads called that in parallel ::grimace::

Instead, you usually want to use the let function:

So in your code you might use this something like:

(let [result (atom true)]

The error you're seeing is from the (defn result ...) in your code, you're
missing the argument vector [] after result -- so it would look like (defn
result [] (atom true)) -- but you really don't want to defn like that, I

* To update an atom's value you don't want to assign like that, you want to
use swap! https://clojuredocs.org/clojure.core/swap!

(swap! f
       (fn [cur-val new-val] (and cur-val new-val))
       (eval member))

* You probably don't want to use an atom here. Atoms are usually for data
that you intend to have multiple threads accessing. In this case it's just
a value that changes during a single thread's execution here.

How else could you solve this if not for the very convenient every?
function? There are a bunch of ways! Here are a few, with things written
out pretty explicitly so they're more clear.


(loop [result true
       remaining-members members]
  (let [member (first remaining-members)
        remaining-members (rest members)
        new-result (eval member)]
    (if new-result
      (recur true remaining-members)

reduce v1:

(reduce (fn [result member]
          (and result
               (eval member)))

reduce v2.0, that will now stop iterating once one of the members evals to

(reduce (fn [_ member]
          (or (eval member)
              (reduced false)))

My point with sharing these is that in clojure usually the best way to
solve these problems is to pass new values to the next iteration while
accumulating a result instead of changing a variable on each iteration. Or
to use one of these sweet built-in functions.

Does that make sense?

* I thiiiiiiink you might not mean eval but I'm interested in what kind of
problem you're solving! :)

Hope that helps!

On Sun, Jul 18, 2021 at 12:41 PM Jack Park <jackp...@topicquests.org> wrote:

> I have a class which treats a sequence as a conjunctive list of objects
> which, when evaluated, return a boolean.  It is an attempt to use doseq to
> walk along that list, evaluating each entry, and anding that result with
> boolean atom. It fails. A sketch of the code is this - taken from the error
> message:
> inside (defn AndList...
> (reify
>     ie4clj.api.Inferrable
>     (defn evalMembers
>         [members]
>         (defn result (atom true))
>         (doseq [x members]
>             (result = (and result (eval x))))
>         (println (clojure.core/deref result))
>     (result))) - *failed: vector? at: [:fn-tail :arity-1 :params] spec:
> :clojure.core.specs.alpha/param-list*
> It could be that my Java background is clouding my use of clojure. Any
> comments will be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Jack
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