I'm guessing this also means the Android App will no longer work for it?

On Tuesday, July 6, 2021 at 12:12:21 p.m. UTC-7 Robert P. Levy wrote:

> Just wanted to correct a mistake in what I wrote above. Obviously you 
> can't clear the password hashes while retaining a link between people and 
> their accounts, so it would more accurately be stated as all accounts are 
> gone and you have to create a new account.
> On Tue, Jul 6, 2021 at 12:42 AM Robert Levy <r.p....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> Just as a thought.  If it's minimal work on your end (eg. if the folks 
>> from Roam research who chimed in above pick it up) why not clear the 
>> password hashes and let the new maintainer handle the communication that 
>> passwords need to be reset?
>> Rob
>> On Sun, Jul 4, 2021 at 1:26 PM Alan Malloy <mallo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> TL;DR: Turning off 4clojure.com by the end of July 2021
>>> Hello, 4clojure problem solvers. You've probably noticed SSL errors on 
>>> 4clojure.com over the last week. The old decrepit system 4clojure runs 
>>> on has finally gotten out of date enough that I can't even figure out how 
>>> to get it recent enough that SSL certs will auto-renew anymore.
>>> In principle I could start from scratch on a new server and move 
>>> 4clojure over, but I won't. 4clojure has been piggybacking along on a 
>>> server that I use for personal reasons, and over the years I have less and 
>>> less reason to keep paying for that server - it's now pretty much just 
>>> 4clojure costing me an embarrassing amount of money every month because I 
>>> haven't wanted to disappoint the community by shutting it down. This SSL 
>>> thing is just what made me finally pull the trigger.
>>> I don't have a specific EOL date in mind, but sometime near the end of 
>>> the month, since that's the billing cycle. Until that time, 4clojure still 
>>> works, as long as you don't mind clicking through the security warnings - 
>>> it really is still me hosting the site, and since the connection is still 
>>> HTTPS (albeit with an invalid cert) I think that means your data is still 
>>> safe. If you have solutions to problems you're proud of, you've still got 
>>> some time to print them out and put them up on your refrigerator.
>>> I'm not seeking new maintainers. I'd feel uncomfortable handing over a 
>>> database with so many email addresses and password hashes in it to anyone. 
>>> The service has had a good run - just over a decade since the first 
>>> release 
>>> <https://github.com/4clojure/4clojure/commit/ff457d0b3b5f5e5a74316a1747809c25b84b3b5e>.
>>> I hope you enjoyed it during that time.
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