Hey Jack,

Just been a fly on the wall for this convo, and aside from offering a
specific solution, which others have done, I'm pretty certain this can be
done with just protocols and records. Make a record (like your type) that
implements the two protocols (like your interfaces). You could achieve your
desired functionality without records and protocols but what you describe
sounds like a fitting case for them.

Members in such lists can be either other evaluable lists, or they can be
> evaluable objects which perform computations

A simple Clojure list/vector can hold any type of data you put into it. So
your record can hold a vector of these things, which can be represented as
Clojure data structure (lists / maps / etc).

You say you *need* to construct a type, but I urge you to challenge this
assumption, again and again if needed. I think it's natural to think you
need a type because of coming from Java/OOP land, especially if you were
there a long time. Old patterns die hard?

I could be wrong though. :)

My 2 cents,

On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 12:42 PM Jack Park <jackp...@topicquests.org> wrote:

> Hi Erik,
> I think that teasing things apart helps along some dimensions, but the
> problem I face, still thinking like a Java hacker, is that I need to put
> things together:
> I need to construct a *type*  (deftype) which honors two different
> interfaces, a list, and an evaluable object. I need the type because I want
> to create it, then add members to the list, and then one of:
> a) insert the object into another one (building and/or trees)
> b) evaluate it - when it is the root of the tree.
> Members in such lists can be either other evaluable lists, or they can be
> evaluable objects which perform computations - even with side effects - but
> which return a boolean.
> The several ideas posted in this thread are greatly helping me to see
> through this situation with fresh eyes, but, thus far, nothing has
> convinced me to drop the goal of creating a type which is a list and
> evaluable, into which I can insert conjunction or disjunction evaluators.
> Many thanks,
> Jack
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2020 at 12:14 AM Erik Assum <e...@assum.net> wrote:
>> Why not tease things apart?
>> (defn eval [x] ...)
>> (some eval my-list) ;; or list
>> (every? eval my-list) ;; and list
>> https://clojuredocs.org/clojure.core/some
>> https://clojuredocs.org/clojure.core/every_q
>> Now, you can make the eval function polymorphic in several ways, simplest
>> is to case or cond on some property of x. You could also use multimethods
>> or a protocol to achieve this.
>> https://insideclojure.org/2015/04/27/poly-perf/
>> Erik.
>> --
>> i farta
>> 15. aug. 2020 kl. 02:04 skrev matthew...@gmail.com <
>> matthewdowne...@gmail.com>:
>> Another option would be to do what Alex is suggesting and define and as
>> a function. Just because it’s a macro in clojure.core doesn’t mean you
>> can’t write your own :)
>> (defn eval' [x]
>>   (if (map? x)
>>     (apply (:fn x) (:coll x))
>>     x))
>> (defn and-list [& items]
>>   (let [if? (fn [x] (if x true false))
>>         and' (fn [& args] (every? if? args))]
>>     {:fn and' :coll items}))
>> (eval' true) ;=> true
>> (eval' false) ;=> false
>> (eval' (and-list 1 2 3)) ;=> true
>> (eval' (and-list 1 2 3 false)) ;=> false
>> Ditto with or.
>> ​
>> On Friday, August 14, 2020 at 4:27:19 PM UTC-5 jack...@topicquests.org
>> wrote:
>>> Alex,
>>> I plan to explore this idea.
>>> Many thanks!
>>> Jack
>>> On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 1:38 PM Oleksandr Shulgin <
>>> oleksand...@zalando.de> wrote:
>>>> <snip.>
>>>> Nevermind transducers: I've just realized that reduced can be used with
>>>> the normal reduce.  E.g. here's short-circuiting AND-reduction fn:
>>>> (defn andr
>>>>   ([] true)
>>>>   ([i] i)
>>>>   ([r i] (let [o (and r i)]
>>>>            (if o
>>>>              o
>>>>              (reduced o)))))
>>>> When it comes to the actual lists, it depends how you'd like to
>>>> represent them.  E.g. I could imagine something like the following can be a
>>>> useful notation:
>>>> [:and 1 2 [:or 3 4] 5]
>>>> or even more direct:
>>>> (quote (and 1 2 (or 3 4) 5))
>>>> If you really want an interface-like look and feel, then protocols
>>>> might be the right answer:
>>>> (defprotocol Evaluable
>>>>   (evaluate [this]))
>>>> (defrecord AndList [items]
>>>>   Evaluable
>>>>   (evaluate [this]
>>>>     (reduce andr (:items this))))
>>>> user> (evaluate (->AndList [1 2 3]))
>>>> 3
>>>> user> (evaluate (->AndList [1 false 3]))
>>>> false
>>>> To complete it, you'll need to add the OrList and sneak (map evaluate)
>>>> in the reduce call in both And- and OrList.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> --
>>>> Alex
>>> <snip>
>>> --
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