You misspelled default in your defrecord.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 7:42 AM 'clartaq' via Clojure <> wrote:

> I originally posted
> <>
> this on StackOverflow.
> When I try this:
> ```clojure
> (defrecord Attr [has-default default])
> (def attr (->Attr true 1))
> (get attr :default) ;;=> 1
> (:default attr) ;;=> ClojureScript returns nil, Clojure returns 1
> ```
> Is the difference in behavior when using keyword access expected? I
> couldn't find anything about it in the [docs][1]  on the differences
> between Clojure and ClojureScript.
> **Update 2020-08-04**
> Well, this is getting weird. This morning, if I open a REPL with
> figwheel-main, or from CIDER, it sometimes works as expected -- `(:default
> attr)` returns 1.
> If I try it by opening the ClojureScript REPL using `clj`, it is still
> broken.
> ```clojure
> % clj --main cljs.main --repl
> ClojureScript 1.10.773
> cljs.user=> (defrecord Attr [has-default defaut])
> cljs.user/Attr
> cljs.user=> (def attr (->Attr true 1))
> #'cljs.user/attr
> cljs.user=> (get attr :default)
> nil
> cljs.user=> (:default attr)
> nil
> cljs.user=> (:has-default attr)
> true
> cljs.user=> (println "attr: " attr)
> attr:  #cljs.user.Attr{:has-default true, :defaut 1}
> nil
> ```
>   [1]:
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