Hey I know this is super old post but what would the reverse look like, eg. 
recursively convert Clojure to java map
On Saturday, October 15, 2011 at 4:10:32 AM UTC-5, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
> > I have a Java Map contains Map of Maps/List (JSON like map) and have
> > to convert to Clojure map (This happens at Java - Clojure Interop), So
> > I have written a converter function 'as-clj-map' by modifying the
> > clojure walk functions, It works fine, but consume lot of cpu when the
> > data structure is quit big. Any suggestions to improve this code?
> What about using protocols for this job?
> (defprotocol ConvertibleToClojure
>   (->clj [o]))
> (extend-protocol ConvertibleToClojure
>   java.util.Map
>   (->clj [o] (let [entries (.entrySet o)]
>                (reduce (fn [m [^String k v]]
>                          (assoc m (keyword k) (->clj v)))
>                        {} entries)))
>   java.util.List
>   (->clj [o] (vec (map ->clj o)))
>   java.lang.Object
>   (->clj [o] o)
>   nil
>   (->clj [_] nil))
> (defn as-clj-map
>   [m]
>   (->clj m))
> Let me know if this works for you & meets your performance requirements.
> Regards,
> BG
> -- 
> Baishampayan Ghose
> b.ghose at gmail.com

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