Wow, that was quick - thanks!
I can confirm it now works on the clojure-experiments project.
For the closed source one I'm still getting NPE though. Will have a second 
look in the future if I find enough time.

On Tuesday, 5 November 2019 16:41:27 UTC+1, Juan Monetta wrote:
> No idea what can be causing this. Current master has a fix for honoring 
> :mvn/repos in deps.edn, maybe that fixes it?
> El martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019, 11:01:59 (UTC-3), Juraj Martinka 
> escribió:
>> Btw. I've also tried it on one of our closed source projects but there 
>> it's failing in
>>     *Execution error (NullPointerException) at 
>> (maven.clj:179).*
>>                  maven.clj:  179  
>>                  maven.clj:  176  
>>                  maven.clj:   94  
>>                session.clj:   23  
>>                session.clj:   14  
>>                  maven.clj:   94  
>>       244  clojure.lang.MultiFn/invoke
>>                  alpha.clj:  185
>>                  alpha.clj:  184
>>                  alpha.clj:  165
>>                  alpha.clj:  232
>>                  alpha.clj:  214
>>                scanner.clj:  108  clindex.scanner/scan-all-projects
>> This ls likely because the *(maven/make-system) *call returns nil for 
>> some reason but, unfortunately, I ran out of time before I could 
>> investigate this further.
>> On Tuesday, 5 November 2019 14:47:32 UTC+1, Juraj Martinka wrote:
>>> Thanks, adding exclusions helped: 
>>> .
>>> However, I'm now facing another issue and that is this [I added some 
>>> debug output]:
>>> *  full-path:  
>>> /Users/jumar/workspace/clojure/clojure-experiments/src/clojure_experiments/books/sicp/ch2_abstractions_data/s1_intro.clj*
>>> *  form:  1*
>>> *  Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at 
>>> clindex.scanner/read-namespace-forms$fn 
>>> (form-init934221917976668977.clj:181).*
>>> *  Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Long*
>>> It seems that it has trouble parsing standalone numbers in the middle of 
>>> a clojure file like this: 
>>> Is that a known limitation? I can see that's unusual in a production 
>>> codebase but I guess this is a completely valid content.
>>> On Tuesday, 5 November 2019 12:28:08 UTC+1, Juan Monetta wrote:
>>>> Thanks Juraj!
>>>> If I have to guess it is probably including a different version of 
>>>> tools.namespace. 
>>>> I forked tools.namespace to return some extra metadata when parsing 
>>>> namespace declarations.
>>>> You can try to run lein deps :tree and check the only tools.namespace 
>>>> is `jpmonettas/tools.namespace 0.3.2`, if you see some 
>>>> `org.clojure/tools.namespace` you can add it to that project exclusions.
>>>> I hope that helps!
>>>> Juan
>>>> El martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019, 2:43:29 (UTC-3), Juraj Martinka 
>>>> escribió:
>>>>> This looks really cool!
>>>>> I'm trying this on a leiningen project (
>>>>> but I'm getting a 
>>>>> NPE:
>>>>>     426  
>>>>> clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeNoArgInstanceMember
>>>>>                  utils.clj:   11  clindex.utils/normalize-path
>>>>>                  utils.clj:   10  clindex.utils/normalize-path
>>>>> ...
>>>>>                       REPL:  280  
>>>>> clindex.scanner/eval22432/scan-namespace-decl
>>>>>                scanner.clj:  354  clindex.scanner/scan-namespaces/fn
>>>>>                   core.clj: 2755  clojure.core/map/fn
>>>>>        42  clojure.lang.LazySeq/sval
>>>>>        51  clojure.lang.LazySeq/seq
>>>>>            535  clojure.lang.RT/seq
>>>>>                   core.clj:  137  clojure.core/seq
>>>>>              protocols.clj:   24  clojure.core.protocols/seq-reduce
>>>>>              protocols.clj:   75  clojure.core.protocols/fn
>>>>>              protocols.clj:   75  clojure.core.protocols/fn
>>>>>              protocols.clj:   13  clojure.core.protocols/fn/G
>>>>>                   core.clj: 6828  clojure.core/reduce
>>>>>                   core.clj: 6810  clojure.core/reduce
>>>>>                scanner.clj:  313  clindex.scanner/merge-namespaces
>>>>>                scanner.clj:  309  clindex.scanner/merge-namespaces
>>>>>                scanner.clj:  358  clindex.scanner/scan-namespaces
>>>>>                scanner.clj:  346  clindex.scanner/scan-namespaces
>>>>>                    api.clj:  142  clindex.api/index-project!
>>>>>                    api.clj:  128  clindex.api/index-project!
>>>>>                       REPL:   11  
>>>>> clojure-experiments.parsers.clindex/eval22438
>>>>> It looks like the `meta` on `ns-decl` returns nil here: 
>>>>> Is that something that's a result of my setup (using leiningen)?
>>>>> On Monday, 4 November 2019 13:37:49 UTC+1, Juan Monetta wrote:
>>>>>> Clindex is a general and extensible Clojure[Script] source file 
>>>>>> indexer.
>>>>>> It scans a Clojure[Script] project together with all its dependencies 
>>>>>> and generates a datascript database with facts about them.
>>>>>> It is intended to be used as a platform for building dev tools so 
>>>>>> they don't have to deal with the complexities of understanding Clojure 
>>>>>> code 
>>>>>> by reading the filesystem.
>>>>>> Instead as an api for talking about your code it gives you a 
>>>>>> datascript db full of facts you can use together with d/q, d/pull, 
>>>>>> d/entity, etc.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Juan Monetta

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