On Sun, Apr 28, 2019 at 10:46 AM Erik Assum <e...@assum.net> wrote:

> I see, and acknowledge that eg the go-macro core.async is a wonderful
> piece of work, and that it’s really cool that it could be done in a
> library. But as an application programmer, I really don’t care if it’s a
> macro or a language feature, and I couldn’t really see myself investing
> that amount of time (nor would I have the skills to do so if I had the
> time) to solve my concurrency problems in such a general manner.

As an application developer, I'm betting the farm on the maintainability of
the core language, and my options are constrained by its portability.
Clojure would be a greater liability if core.async were an intrinsic
feature, and (IMHO) la little less of one if STM and agents weren't.

> 2) Pointers to blogs/articles/codebases which shows how applications
> written either with extensive use of macros or by implementing an internal
> DSL (and compiler) are significantly quicker to develop than their
> brute-force alternatives.

I'm not sure data of this sort yields to analysis, though I do think *speed
of development* is a suspicious yardstick. *Maintainability* is the
unseemly underbelly of syntactic flexibility, and multiple layers of
languages - each specified by implementation - is kryptonite for
maintenance and collaboration.

Take care,

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