Hi Everyone,

I am using spec for a while (currently on the version shipped with Clojure 
1.10). This post is intended to be a kind-of status report, focusing on a 
particular issue I am facing at the moment. To explain it in detail, please 
have a look on this following macro I wrote, which is an upgraded version 
of *spec/keys*:

(ns myns
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [keys])
    [clojure.set :as set]
    [clojure.core :as core]
    [clojure.spec.alpha :as spec]))

(defmacro keys
  "Same as `clojure.spec/keys`, but accepts additional boolean option 
:additional-keys. Unless :additional-keys is set true, only the declared 
keys are allowed, and any additional keys will be invalid."
  [& {:keys [additional-keys] :as args}]
  (let [args (dissoc args :additional-keys)]
    (if additional-keys
      `(spec/keys ~@(mapcat identity args))
      (let [allowed-keys #{}
              (fn [acc k] (into acc (k args)))
              allowed-keys [:req :opt])
              (fn [acc k] (into acc (map (comp keyword name) (k args))))
              allowed-keys [:req-un :opt-un])]
           (spec/keys ~@(mapcat identity args))
           (fn [m#] (set/subset? (core/keys m#) ~allowed-keys)))))))

I would like to explain my use-case for writing this, and the reason I 
think there is a need for such feature.
I am writing an import/export library from a serialized XML data format, 
into in-memory representation. I need the import and export functions to be 
 * given an original external XML data, if I import it, and then 
immediately export it, the re-exported data has to be equal to the original.
 * given an original internal in-memory data, if I export it, and then 
immediately import it, the re-imported data has to be equal to the original.

The main issue is that silent data-loss is absolutely unacceptable, (e.g. 
if a newer version of the XML data format has additional unspecified 
fields, these additional fields will fail to be imported to the in-memory 
model. Also, if any additional unspecified in-memory data gets added, it 
will fail to be exported. All this would all happen silently, without any 

The problem I am facing is I think one of the valid use-case, spec should 
have support for such scenarios.

Another similar use-case is when due to GDPR 
regulatory rules, extreme care should be taken what information gets 
stored, and any unverified data is potentially violating requirements. 
(e.g. a user might use clear-text comment fields to store credit-card 
information, N.I. numbers, etc.)

The original keys spec allows for additional data to be present, which is 
in line with what Rich described as design goals for spec (i.e. "requiring 
less", or "providing more" is not breakage but growth, and should be 
welcomed, as per the "Speculation 
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyLBGkS5ICk>" talk).

After I started using the above macro, it became obvious that it isn't 
versatile enough solution to the problem, because I would rather like to be 
notified of additional-keys, and then decide on a case-by-case basis, if in 
the given context that is to be considered an error. Instead the macro only 
gives me the option to decide this at the time when defining the spec, 
rather at the point of data validation.

If I recall correctly, in the "Maybe Not 
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5WdGrpoug>" talk Rich was talking about 
the concerns, that validating required and optional fields should be 
separated from the shape/schema of a spec, to be a'la carte, and decided at 
the point of validation, not at the time of defining the specs. It feels to 
me this concern is quite similar/related issue to the one I am writing 
about now.

I have also noticed that my usage pattern is that I rarely use *spec/valid?*, 
Instead prefer to use something like:

(if-let [explanation (explain-data :my/spec data)]
  (throw (ex-info "Invalid stuff" explanation)
  (do-business-logic-with (spec/conform :my/spec data)))

Due to this usage pattern, I am quite reliant on the fact that *spec/valid?* 
returns *true* iff <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/If_and_only_if> 
*spec/explain-data* returns *nil*.

Nevertheless, I was thinking if *spec/explain-data* would return any 
unspecified keys found for a keys spec, under an *:unspecified* key in the 
explain-data map that would address the issue much better than my barbaric 
butchery with macros.

I would be interested to hear what you guys think about all the above, or 
if there are better workarounds/recommendations for my use-cases.


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