Never mind, I found the problem.  During testing I had enabled Plumatic
Schema function validation:

    (s/set-fn-validation! true) ; enforce fn schemas
Disabling validation made `lein test` and `lein run` produce comparable

On Sat, Dec 15, 2018 at 10:41 AM Alan Thompson <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm seeing something I never expected with Leiningen, namely that `lein
> test` can take 28x longer to run a task than if it is invoked via `lein
> run`.  Elapsed time measurements (sec):
> *   function                                               test
>   run           ratio*
> :add-tree-xml                 0.314    0.188      *1.7x*
> :remove-whitespace-leaves     5.104    0.183     *28x*
> :hid->bush                    0.429    0.009     *48x*
> From the table, you can see that the speed ratio varies quite a bit
> depending on the task.  Since the slowest task is 28x, I'm using that as a
> reference point. I have my `:jvm-opts` in project.clj set as follows:
>     :jvm-opts ["-Xms500m" "-Xmx2g" "-server"]
> It seems to make no difference if I use -Xmx value of 2g or 8g.  Using a
> flat of "-server", "-client" or nothing also makes no significant
> difference.
> I have found no information in the lein docs that might explain such huge
> variations.  Any ideas?
> Alan

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