I suspect the problem is with map which is lazy. If you discard the result 
of the top-level expression it might not be fully completed or not even run 
at all.

To force a lazy collection (thus, triggering the side effects you desire) 
you could do the following things:

(mapv close pages)          ;; mapv returns a vector, thus is eager
(dorun (map close pages))   ;; dorun walks the lazy collection and forces 
the side effects
(run! close pages)          ;; run! is like map for side effects - 
preferred in this case

On Monday, September 3, 2018 at 5:44:38 AM UTC+3, aboy021 wrote:
> I have a problem related to disposing of resources.
> I’m trying to retrieve portions of pdf files and combine them into a new 
> pdf file. I’m using Apache PDFBox for the purpose.
> Splitting a pdf into pages creates a PDDocument for each page, and 
> PDDocuments need to be explicitly closed. If you do not, there’s a log 
> message that comes from the finalizer “Warning: You did not close a PDF 
> Document”.
> I’ve prepared some naive code that demonstrates the problem. Here I’m 
> splitting a pdf and recombining it. When the finalizer eventually runs 
> every page in the pdf seems to produce an error message.
> [org.apache.pdfbox/pdfbox "2.0.11"]
> (import '[org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf PDFMergerUtility])(import 
> '[org.apache.pdfbox.multipdf Splitter])(import '[org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel 
> PDDocument])
> (let [pdf (PDDocument/load (File. "input.pdf"))
>       splitter (Splitter.)
>       pages (into [] (.split splitter pdf))
>       merger (PDFMergerUtility.)
>       append (fn [x y] (.appendDocument merger x y) x)
>       close #(when % (.close %))]
>   (try
>     (-> (reduce append (first pages) (rest pages))
>         (.save "output.pdf")
>         (close))
>     (finally
>       (close pdf)
>       (map close pages))))
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Also, are there any good resources online for best practice in dealing 
> with sequences of disposables?
> Thanks,
> Arthur
> ​

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