The strongest case for using protocols is for working with existing types. This usually means other people's code, java types etc. This is unique functionality to clojure and is probably its most important motivation. This also means that reloading doesn't usually cause issues, since the types aren't changing.
Still, Protocols, and even multimethods have limitations. Which means, for any given problem, make sure you start from first principles and not just immediately turn one or the other. You have full functional programming to work for you. For example, I defined my own version of local multimethods, which are immutable. This means you can extend to different dispatch values differently in different contexts very easily. Multimethods are basically global variables and also have reloading problems. Since local-multi-fns are defined by functions in hash-maps, you can merge, add, remove as you please, and reloading is managed by you. You can use atoms for example, and atoms can help with recursive local-multi-fns (still just one way to do it). Details of the idea is A simplified definition is like the following: (defn very-simple-multi-fn [implementations dispatch-fn] (with-meta (fn [& args] (apply (implementations (dispatch-fn args)) args)) {::very-simple-multi-fn {:implementations implementations}})) (let [x (very-simple-multi-fn {\a (fn [& args] ...) \b (fn [& args] ...)} (fn [args] ...))] (x ...) (let [y (very-simple-multi-fn (-> x meta ::very-simple-mulfi-fn :implementations (merge {\c ... \a ...})) new-dispatch-fn)] (y ...))) I recommend just writing your own version of this and decide how much flexibility you need. On Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 1:49:35 AM UTC-4, Sam Bartolucci wrote: > > Hi, > > I've been an enthusiastic Clojure tinkerer for a few years now--it's a > great language!--but only recently began using it professionally, where > I've stumbled into a strong disagreement over the use of protocols vs. > multimethods for single dispatch polymorphism. I had always assumed that > protocols were a normal part of Clojure when polymorphism was called for, > but a few of my coworkers (often, it seems, those who have experience with > Lisp prior to Clojure) swear up and down that protocols are only to be used > as a last resort because they "break the REPL". Apparently they're frowned > upon because, due to the JVM interop, they don't reload as well as other > constructs. It has even been suggested a few times that all uses of > protocols should be refactored to use a multimethod with a "type" as the > dispatch function. Protocols, in other words, should be considered harmful. > This seems strange to me considering how many successful and mainstream > Clojure projects use protocols, but maybe I am missing something, so I > thought I would ask the list. So what is it? Is there any consensus around > the assertion that "good, idiomatic Clojure will use multimethods rather > than protocols for single-dispatch polymorphism"? > > Thanks, > Sam > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit