I have found spacemacs to be the easiest to get things running.

Clojure Development with Cider (https://practicalli.github.io/spacemacs/)

I have used Cursive over the years, but I don't use it enough to justify
continuing to pay for it.

Spacemacs provides a whole group of editors for odd languages.

However, oddly enough, not Groovy.



On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 8:56 AM, Phillip Lord <phillip.l...@newcastle.ac.uk>

> which-key is a fantastic package. The Emacs out-of-the-box experience is
> getting better, but slowly; this sort of functionality really needs to
> be in core, automatically active.
> Phil
> Chris Shellenbarger <chris.shellenbar...@gmail.com> writes:
> > I found them useful for getting the repl to run - after following these
> > instructions I was able to run 'cider-jack-in' and get to a repl that
> > worked the same was as the one I had been using in Cursive.
> >
> > They also pointed me to a couple of suggested packages to install, in
> which
> > whichkey was one.
> >
> > However, with a running REPL, I had no idea what to do - I was consulting
> > cheat sheets for things I knew I wanted to do, but did not have a clear
> way
> > to discover all the options available to me.  That's when I turned to the
> > CftBT book and his configuration because at least I could see what a
> > Clojure Developer was using.   Installing whichkey and whatever package
> > allows the search for functions was incredibly helpful (which inspired
> the
> > original post).
> >
> > What I feel is missing from a lot of the Clojure world is documentation
> on
> > how the real professional Clojure developers are working from a day to
> day
> > perspective.  This includes any that work in Emacs/CIDER - how are they
> > working more productively than we can in Cursive or another IDE?  With
> the
> > tools I mention in my post, I can see how you can get started down that
> > path.
> >
> > As far as the CIDER docs go, I think a huge way to increase their utility
> > would be to provide an example Emacs configuration so that people can
> just
> > download it and get up and running within a context that can be discussed
> > in the documentation.  I'm sure people have these configurations running
> -
> > you can use the ones that I put up as well.
> >
> >
> > On Sunday, March 4, 2018 at 7:13:37 AM UTC-6, Bozhidar Batsov wrote:
> >>
> >> Btw, didn't you find the instructions in the official manual useful (
> >> http://cider.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/ and
> >> http://cider.readthedocs.io/en/latest/up_and_running/). Admitted they
> are
> >> not great, but they do cover a lot of ground and are reasonably
> up-to-date.
> >>
> >> On 3 March 2018 at 23:11, Chris Shellenbarger <ch...@cloudrepo.io
> >> <javascript:>> wrote:
> >>
> >>> I spent the last week learning and using Emacs and CIDER for Clojure
> >>> Development.
> >>>
> >>> I've started to write up a lot of the lessons I've learned from doing
> so
> >>> in the hopes that it will help some other people who attempt something
> >>> similar.
> >>>
> >>> Anyway, if you're interested in getting started with Emacs and CIDER,
> >>> you'll have to learn about how to use the keyboard so I wrote a couple
> of
> >>> key lessons in a Medium post:  Developing in Clojure with Emacs:
> >>> Mastering the Keyboard
> >>> <https://medium.com/@chris.shellenbarger/developing-in-
> clojure-with-emacs-mastering-the-keyboard-6cb9bef7f760>
> >>> .
> >>>
> >>> My environment was Emacs 24.5.1 with CIDER 0.16.0 on Linux Mint 18.3.
> >>>
> >>> I used the Clojure for the Brave and True <https://www.braveclojure.co>
> book
> >>> for a basic intro into Emacs <https://www.braveclojure.com/
> basic-emacs/> and
> >>> used the provided emacs configuration files as a starting point.
> However,
> >>> these only worked with CIDER 0.8.0 and were about four years old.  I
> made
> >>> some modifications of the files to work with CIDER 0.16.0 and put them
> up
> >>> for anyone to use on my BitBucket Repository
> >>> <https://bitbucket.org/64BitChris/linux-emacs-configuration>.
> >>>
> >>> I have a lot more to share about my Emacs experience, but I found that
> >>> there was so much that I had to split it into multiple posts.
> >>>
> >>> Hope it helps someone out there!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
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> >>
> >>
> --
> Phillip Lord,                           Phone: +44 (0) 191 208 7827
> Biology, Medicine, Computing            Email:
> phillip.l...@newcastle.ac.uk
> School of Computing,                    http://homepages.cs.ncl.ac.uk/
> phillip.lord
> Room 5.012 Urban Sciences Building,     skype: russet_apples
> Newcastle University,                   twitter: phillord
> NE4 5TG
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