I'm relatively new to Clojure, and I just want to make sure I
understand things correctly. There are two issues that I'm struggling
with. Neither is major, but if there is a good solution, I'd like to
find out.

1) You must define a method before you call it from another function.
Stylistically, I prefer to define helper functions after the main
function, but that seems to cause errors. If I move them in front of
the main function, the errors go away. I don't know if there's some
way to declare the methods before you define them (like C header

2) To have two or more functions with the same name and a different
arity, you must define them in a single (defn...).

For example, the following code:

(defn good
        ([a] (println (str "argument: " a)))
        ([a, b] (println (str "arguments: " a ", " b))))

(defn bad [a] (str "argument: " a))
(defn bad [a b] (str "arguments:" a ", " b))

(good "foo")
(good "foo" "bar")
(bad "foo")
(bad "foo" "bar")

Generates the following output:

argument: foo
arguments: foo, bar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong
number of args passed to: core$bad (SandBox.clj:0)

This crops up when I have a function that was created using a function-
building macro, and I wanted to define a wrapper with the same name
that allowed me to enter the arguments in a simpler manner.

Also, it just feels odd. You don't get an error when defining the same-
named function--but suddenly neither version works. That's a pretty
serious side-effect. So maybe this is just a bug?



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