Java doesn't have a C-like structure type, so Java objects still have
overhead.  If you want the absolute minimum number of bytes in memory,
you can create Java primitive arrays in Clojure:

(make-array Integer/TYPE 100)

Then access them with the "aset..." and "aget" functions.

-Stuart Sierra

On Mar 9, 1:04 pm, Bradbev <> wrote:
> I'm writing a program that will have millions of small structures in
> it.  If I were writing in C (or Java I guess), I estimate the object
> size to be about 40 bytes.  In Clojure, using a struct map I've made a
> rough measure & I think that the objects are weighing in at about
> 200bytes.
> 1) I know that my measurement methods suck (cons up a big list, look
> at the total usage count & try to adjust for list overhead) - is there
> a good way that I can measure the size in memory of my structmap?
> 2) Is there a good way to optimize the size of these objects in
> Clojure?  I'd prefer to stay within Clojure, but my current plan to
> squeeze the smallest size out is to move to a Java object.
> I also know the types of the struct members, and most of them are
> 32bit numbers.  Eliminating dynamic types from the struct is probably
> important for overall size.
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Brad
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