Christopher Small,

Your suggestion to look into Datomic definitely turned up a new idea. I 
went through the Datalog tutorial at 
(which is excellent, by the way), and noticed that the attribute names in 
the datoms are a lot like the port labels in port graphs. A port label is 
essentially an attribute key whose value is the edges incident to it. And 
when you chain data patterns in Datalog queries, that's a lot like 
navigating through a graph.

The new, hopefully simple, easy-to-use, and not error-prone idea is to use 
the clojure.lang.IPersistentMap  interface to query and update graphs. 
Nodes, edge, attribute names, port labels, and a few "reserved keywords" 
like :adj-nodes and :edge, could navigate the graph as if it were an 
ordinary nested map with get-in, assoc-in, and the like, without ever 
needing to wrap anything inside a record to tell what it is. Here are some 
sample queries and what they could return:

(get-in g [node port-label :adj-nodes])
  a coll of all the nodes with an edge to [node port-label]
(get-in g [node port-label :adj-node])
  one node with an edge to [node port-label], or nil
(get-in g [node port-label])
  true or false, according to whether node has a port named port-label
(get-in g [node k])
  value of node's attr k
(get-in g [edge k])
  value of edge's attr k
(get g node-or-edge)
  the entire map of attrs associated with node-or-edge, or nil if it does 
not exist
(get-in g [node k1 k2 k3])
  treat node's attrs as a nested map
(get-in [node port-label :edges])
  a coll of all the edges that link to [node port-label]
(get-in [node port-label :edge])
  a single edge that links to port-label, or nil
(get-in [node port-label1 port-label2])
  coll of all nodes that link to [node port-label1] from a port named 

And here are some function calls that would return a modified graph:

(assoc-in g [node k] v)
  sets node attr k to v
(assoc-in g [edge k] v)
  sets edge attr k to v  (and similarly for multiple keys)
(assoc-in g [node1 port-label1 port-label2 node2] :edge)
  makes an edge between [node1 port-label1] and [node2 port-label2]
(assoc-in g [node1 port-label1 port-label2 :edge k] v)
  sets value of edge attr k to v

I haven't yet thought this through completely, and I suspect that some 
parts are still error-prone. For example, notice in the last function call 
that it's not clear whether you should include node2. The approach might be 
"too cute"—that is, brittle because it tries to impose one kind of 
structure (nested maps) onto one that isn't fully isomorphic (graphs).

But I like the basic idea of having a "little language" for designating 
whatever you want, and the little language is nothing but a sequence that 
tells how to navigate through the graph to find (or make) what you're 
interested in. 

This would solve the fundamental problem of how to designate an edge 
without imposing type restrictions. For each connection point, you just 
have a sequence that describes a path to that point. If the sequence ends 
on a port label, the connection point is a port. If it ends on :edge, the 
connection point is an edge. So, instead of type restrictions, there are 
just a few reserved words in the tiny DSL for navigating the graph.

This hopefully makes simple editing and querying of port graphs easy, but 
it does not even try to solve the problem of conveniently entering a graph. 
I figure that a "shorthand", i.e. a separate tiny DSL, is the solution for 
that. I found with my current implementation of port graphs that it really 
helped to use a custom shorthand for each specific type of graph. For 
example, there's a obvious and very nice shorthand for specifying graphs 
that represent mathematical expressions, but it's terrible for graphs of 
social networks. Graphs of social networks, though, can be conveniently 
described by their own custom sexprs.

I figure that implementing it will force me to think this idea through the 
rest of the way. Here goes…

Ben Kovitz

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