PS: I just realized that the code, as I wrote it, will not work, as
nesting of # is forbidden.
My actual code is:
(defn is-element-in-list [e l]
(some #{e} l))
(filter #(is-element-in-list % small-list) big-list)
Sorry about that.
On 12/12/2017 02:24 PM, Deyan Yotsov wrote:
I have one list of potentially up to 2 million strings: big-list.
Then I have another list, small-list, the elements of which are a
subset of the elements of big-list.
I want to sort the elements in small-list so that they become sorted
in the same way in which they are sorted in big-list.
The most obvious way to do this, for me, is:
(filter #(some #{%} small-list) big-list)
(one by one we take the elements from big-list, we check if they are
in small-list, and if they are, we add them (in big-list order) to the
But of course this performs extremely poorly, especially if small-list
is say 1M elements, and big-list is 2M elements.
Thank you,
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