Can someone please see what's wrong with this.

(defn getArg [arg]
        "Return a [keyword value] depending on the form of the string arg:
        1. arg is of the form +x ==> [:x true].
        2. arg is of the form -x ==> [:x false].
        3. arg is of the form x=v ==> [:x v].
        4. else ==> [:files arg]."
        (let [x (or
                   (re-seq #"([+])([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)" arg)
                   (re-seq #"([-])([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)" arg)
                   (re-seq #"([a-zA-Z_0-9]+)=([^ ]+)" arg))]
                (if (nil? x) [:files arg]
                        (let [x (first x)
                                y (nth x 1)
                                z (nth x 2)]
                                        (= y "+")       [(keyword z) true]
                                        (= y "-")       [(keyword z) false]
                                        :else           [(keyword y) z])))))

This is part of a command-line-arg processing function. I want to end
up with a map containing things like this:

{:verbose true :fast false :configFile "/tom/dick" :files ["foo" "bar"

as a result of processing the command line args:

+verbose -fast configFile=/tom/dick foo bar zot


(getArg "+foo") correctly returns [:foo true]


(getArg "-foo") throws a NullPointerException.

Am I wrong in my understanding of the or function? That is, that (or a
b c) should return the first of a,b,c that returns true (i.e. non-nil)
or nil if they are all nil?

Or is something happening to the function 'arg' inside the let?

Thanks in advance.

In case it's interesting to anyone, the other part of this (that calls
getArg) is the following.

(defn getArgs [args & xs]
        "This processes args (a seq of strings) and returns a map.
        The parameter xs is a seq of two-element vectors: [keyword value].
        The returned map contains (keyword,value) pairs produced by
processing the args, as follows.
        1. An arg of the form +x creates the pair (:x true).
        2. An arg of the form -x creates the pair (:x false).
        3. An arg of the form x=v creates the pair (:x v), where v is a
        4. Any other args will be placed in the pair (:files
        5. Any [x v] in xs, not found in the args, will create the pair (:x
        (let [res {:files []}]
                ; First process the args (if any).
                (when args (doall (for [arg args]
                        (let [ga (getArg arg) [key val] ga]
                                        (= key :files) (conj (:files res) val)
                                        :else          (conj res ga))))))
                ; Now process the xs (if any).
                (when xs (doall (for [x xs]
                        (let [key (first x)]
                                (when (not (key res)) (conj res x))))))

so that (for example)

(def cmdArgs (getArgs *command-line-args* [[:verbose false] [:fast
true] [:configFile "/tom/harry"] [:something "someValue"]]))

both gets command line params into the map cmdArgs and/or creates
entries with default values. What is does NOT do is validate the
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