> ​I know Java and C++. A long time ago I worked with Pascal.
> What I like about Kotlin is that it is less verbose. And Clojure is 
> of-course even less verbose. :-D

Oh yea, and Kotlin exists pretty much only to address Java's verbosity, and 
maybe a few small other quirks, and it did a great job at that. But you 
won't learn anything new conceptually. All you will learn is a new less 
verbose syntax for the same concepts. I honestly just hope Kotlin pushes 
future Java versions to improve on their verbosity and quirks, so that we 
don't need Kotlin in the future, but Java is not a pain to use anymore. I 
like Kotlin, but its also dumb to have a whole new JVM language works the 
same conceptually, just because Java never bothered improving on its quirks 
and verbosity.

On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 04:14:33 UTC-7, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
> 2017-09-03 20:23 GMT+02:00 Didier <did...@gmail.com <javascript:>>:
>> Kotlin is actually officialy supported on Android, so definitly a good 
>> choice there.
> ​I started with Kotlin. I think I first learn to write some applications 
> for Android and then decide if I want to switch to Clojure(Script).
> ​
>> That said, if you know Java, C#, C++, Pascal, or even ActionScript 3, 
>> Kotlin brings nothing new to the table conceptually. It does improve on 
>> convenience over Java though.
> ​I know Java and C++. A long time ago I worked with Pascal.
> What I like about Kotlin is that it is less verbose. And Clojure is 
> of-course even less verbose. :-D
> -- 
> Cecil Westerhof

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