Oh, it's the same issue with your first example, we need to change executor 
that core/async use. I will add some hook to decorate those frequently-used 

On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 3:32:34 PM UTC+8, Didier wrote:
> I think it would be nice if inheritable-var would set! the future executor 
> service on load, so the user doesn't have to. This way it will just work 
> with future also. Just my 2 cent.
> Here's how to reproduce the issue with core.async:
> (let [t 1000]
>   (dotimes [x t]
>     (let [foo (inheritable-var (constantly "Main"))
>           chan (async/chan)]    
>       (inheritable-binding [foo "In chan Thread."]
>                            (async/go
>                             (async/>! chan @foo))
>                            (let [res (async/<!! chan)]
>                              (when (= x (dec t))
>                                (print res)))))))
> On Saturday, 29 July 2017 23:52:44 UTC-7, Jiacai Liu wrote:
>> For your first example, we should decorate the executor future use, see 
>> TransmittableThreadLocal 
>> doc 
>> <https://github.com/alibaba/transmittable-thread-local/blob/master/README-EN.md#22-decorate-thread-pool>
>> (let [foo (inheritable-var (constantly "Main"))]
>>   (set! clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor (->inheritable 
>> clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor))  (inheritable-binding [foo "In future 
>> thread"]
>>                        @(future @foo)))
>> For core/async example, this should return In chan Thread, are you using 
>> v0.1.3 ?
>> (let [foo (inheritable-var (constantly "Main"))
>>       chan (async/chan)]
>>   (inheritable-binding [foo "In chan Thread."]
>>                        (async/go
>>                         (async/>! chan @foo))
>>                        (async/<!! chan)))
>> I will add binding conveyance and usage to decorate executor when using 
>> thread pool in my doc
>> Many thanks. 👍
>> On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 1:28:46 PM UTC+8, Didier wrote:
>>> Your doc says this doesn't work with dynamic binding:
>>> (def ^:dynamic *foo* 5)
>>> (defn adder
>>>   [param]
>>>   (+ *foo* param))
>>> (binding [*foo* 10]
>>>          (doseq [v (pmap adder (repeat 3 5))]
>>>            (println v)))
>>> But it does since Clojure 1.3. They added binding conveyance: 
>>> https://github.com/clojure/clojure/blob/master/changes.md#234-binding-conveyance
>>> This means that in Clojure 1.3+, when using dynamic binding and future, 
>>> agent, pmap or core.async, child threads will inherit the bounded vars 
>>> properly.
>>> You might want to make that clear in your doc.
>>> I also believe there's an issue with your library, this does not work:
>>> (definheritable foo "Main thread.")
>>> (inheritable-binding [foo "In thread inside future, running on Clojure 
>>> ThreadPools."]
>>>                      @(future @foo))
>>> It also doesn't seem to play nice with core.async, whereas dynamic vars 
>>> do:
>>> (let [chan (async/chan)]
>>>   (inheritable-binding [foo "In chan Thread."]
>>>                        (async/go
>>>                         (async/>! chan @foo))
>>>                        (async/<!! chan)))
>>> => CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve 
>>> symbol: foo in this context
>>> (def ^:dynamic bar "In main thread.")
>>> (let [chan (async/chan)]
>>>   (binding [bar "In chan Thread."]
>>>            (async/go
>>>             (async/>! chan bar))
>>>            (async/<!! chan)))
>>> => "In chan Thread."
>>> On Saturday, 29 July 2017 19:37:13 UTC-7, Jiacai Liu wrote:
>>>> Thanks for your tips.
>>>> I have updated my code to wrap TransmittableThreadLocal 
>>>> <https://github.com/alibaba/transmittable-thread-local/blob/master/README-EN.md>,
>>>>  an 
>>>> enhanced version of InheritableThreadLocal, to solve threadpool problem.
>>>> On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 3:11:59 AM UTC+8, Didier wrote:
>>>>> InheritableThreadLocal is not safe to use with ThreadPools. And a lot 
>>>>> of the Clojure parallel constructs rely on ThreadPools.
>>>>> I'd recommend you rely on dynamic Vars instead and use bound-fn when 
>>>>> you want child threads to inherit parent's bindings. 
>>>>> If you knew this already, then I see no harm in using 
>>>>> InheritableThreadLocal, but just be sure you understand its risk. In most 
>>>>> cases, it is unsafe. 

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