
Here's a function and a simple use of it. It works, but the code may not be 
good Clojure. I'm wondering how it might be better.

(defn distinct-by
  "Returns a sequence with no repeats of (f item). 
  A set is built up internally as the sequence is consumed, so don't use it 
  an infinite sequence or you will run out of memory."
  ([f coll]
    (letfn [(get-more [seen input-seq]
               (if (not (empty? input-seq))
                 (let [x (first input-seq)
                       fx (f x)]
                   (if (contains? seen fx)
                     (lazy-seq (get-more seen (rest input-seq)))
                     (lazy-seq (cons x (get-more (conj seen fx) (rest 
       (get-more #{} (seq coll)))))

(def xs (list {:n 1, :a 'a} {:n 2, :a 'b} {:n 3, :a 'a} {:n 4, :a 'c} {:n 
5, :a 'b}))

(distinct-by :a xs)
=> ({:n 1, :a a} {:n 2, :a b} {:n 4, :a c})


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