Nicola Mometto <> writes:

> Hi Phillip,
> I've had a very quick look at the code and I've spotted a few issues,
> here's my feedback:
> 1- all your functions will cause input args and return value to be
> boxed. There's a few ways to avoid it, none of which are particularly
> pretty. If your library is not worried about performance but just
> about behaviour then this is not a problem, if it is, I can guide you
> through ways to avoid boxing (primitive type hinting of ints and
> floats is unfortunately not an option).

I'd be happy to get that information. Performance is not really my
concern here, rather it is ensuring that I can replicate int/float based
algorithms in Clojure.

Having said that, all things being equal, performance is better than not.

> 2- defining a var called &, while technically valid, is not a good
> idea. syntax-quote will not resolve vars named & to avoid collision
> with the & rest syntax in destructuring, so I'd consider using a
> different name

Ah, yes. Clojure really sucks up all those handy punctuation characters.

> 3- clojure/core encourages libraries to provide "sufficiently uniquely
> named data literals", p/i and p/f to me while convenient don't seem
> unique enough to be safely included in a library. This one could be
> detabatable

Yeah, I was worried about that. If they are longer, though, it defeats
the point.

#primitive/int 10
(int 10)


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