       Clojure’s contrib wrapper for JDBC.
       [org.clojure/java.jdbc “0.7.0-beta2”]
       Improves reducible queries; 
Completes (optional) specs for public API; 
Drops support for Clojure 1.5 and 1.6 (so, requires Clojure 1.7 or later).
The contract for ‘reduce’ in its docstring is very specific about the 
situations where ‘f’ is called and what it’s arguments are. java.jdbc 
0.7.0-beta1 did not respect that contract; java.jdbc 0.7.0-beta2 does.

The optional clojure.java.jdbc.spec namespace now has fdef specs for all the 
public API functions in clojure.java.jdbc. It assumes clojure.spec.alpha so it 
requires a recent Clojure 1.9 Alpha build to use it. Please try the specs out 
and open JIRA issues if I got anything wrong!

Based on responses to the survey – over 50 so far – there is clear support for 
only supporting Clojure 1.7 going forward (only one respondent is still on 1.7, 
34 are on 1.8, and 17 are on 1.9 already). This allows me to drop the 
conditional logic that used CollReduce in order to still support 1.5/1.6.

There’s probably a side discussion to be had about IReduce vs IReduceInit but 
I’ll take that to clojure-dev (

The survey is still open if you use java.jdbc and have not yet completed it:

Thanks to?
        Kevin Downey and Ghadi Shayban again, as well as Nicola Mometto, for 
continued discussion on Slack around CollReduce, IReduce, IReduceInit, and the 
contract of reduce.
        And also everyone who completed the survey!

Sean Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN -- (970) FOR-SEAN
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

"Perfection is the enemy of the good."
-- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)

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