After almost a year I'm pleased to announce the next major version of 


The biggest change in this version is the use of Stuart Sierra's Component 
library, both on the frontend and on the backend, in combination with 
reloaded.repl and System.

This makes this release a bit less minimalist than previous versions, but 
it's in line with Chestnut's goal to provide a solid default structure to 
build upon. It also allowed us to simplify some of the code around 
starting/stopping/reloading of the application, and should all in all 
provide a better REPL experience. It also makes it easier for Chestnut to 
support more features in the future in a way that is modular and 

New features and changes 

Command line flags now start with a + (e.g. +http-kit) instead of --. This 
is more in line with what other templates are doing, and it works better 
with the way Leiningen deals with command line flags. The old flags are 
still supported as well.

Three new UI frameworks are supported: +re-frame, +rum, and +om-next.

A is no longer included by default, instead it needs to 
be requested explicitly with +code-of-conduct. While we strongly encourage 
people to adopt a CoC, this is something that should be a deliberate 
choice, because it has implications on how a project is managed.

(run) has been renamed to (go), to be more in line with reloaded.repl, and 
browser-repl has been renamed to (cljs-repl) to follow the Figwheel API. 
The old versions are still available as aliases, they will be removed in 
Chestnut 1.0.

All dependencies have been upgraded to their latest versions, including

   - clojurescript 1.9.562
   - compojure 1.6.0
   - doo 0.1.7
   - environ 1.1.0
   - figwheel 0.5.10
   - http-kit 2.2.0
   - lein-cljsbuild 1.1.5
   - lein-environ 1.1.0
   - om 1.0.0-alpha48
   - org.clojure/tools.nrepl 0.2.13
   - reagent 0.6.0
   - ring 1.6.1
   - ring-defaults 0.3.0
   - transit-clj 0.8.300

Popularity poll 

By default a lein new chestnut will "phone home", reporting the Chestnut 
version and command line flags being used. It is possible to opt-out with 
the +no-poll flag.

No other information is stored, any logging for these requests is disabled. 
In particular there is no logging of the name given to the application, or 
of IP addresses or other identifiable information.

The reason for collecting this information is to help us decide which 
features to focus on, and to get a sense of how many people are opting in 
to the snapshot releases for early feedback.


Many thanks to the 41 people who have contributed to Chestnut since its 
inception in 2014. For this release I'd like to thank Jeff Wong in 
particular for pushing the Component integration forward.

As the Clojure landscape keeps evolving, so must Chestnut evolve with it. 
Contributions big and small are highly appreciated, whether it's code, 
documentation, or testing. If you are interested in working on a feature 
then get in touch, I would be more than happy to provide mentoring and help 
you along the way. This applies to beginners and experienced developers 

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