
I'm trying to output accented characters from clojure. Actually, I'm
trying to call setToolTipText on a JComponent with some unicode
string. No problems doing so from Java, but with clojure I'm hitting a

exmentis=> "àéôö"
exmentis=> \u00f4
exmentis=> \u00c0

Ok, so the Reader doesn't read my input correctly, right? Let's make a
Java static member:
class Application {
  public static final String abc = "àààèèè";
(Application is loaded in REPL by being on the classpath.)

exmentis=> Application/abc
exmentis=> (println Application/abc)
exmentis=> (. System/out println Application/abc)

(note the difference in output)

Hmmm... not better. BTW, doing System.out.println(Application.abc)
from Java outputs the correct result.

To put it simply, whenever I define a unicode String in Java, I obtain
the right result as long as I "stay" on the Java side. For instance

(. component setToolTipText Application/abc)  ;; works
(. component setToolTipText "àéö")  ;; doesn't work (garbled output)

What am I missing? Clojure uses Java strings, right?
exmentis=> (instance? String "àéè")

Why is the Reader not able to understand the string correctly then?


P.S. I showed REPL output in this post but the way I actually do
things is to load clojure scripts from Java with RT.loadResourceScript
(). It doesn't work this way either.

(BTW, my REPL is:
java -cp %ADD_CP%;%CLOJURE_DIR%\jline-0.9.94.jar;%CLOJURE_JAR%
jline.ConsoleRunner clojure.lang.Repl
where ADD_CP is some additional classpaths.)

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