In `clojure.core.reducers`, `map` 
is implemented as:

(defcurried map
  "Applies f to every value in the reduction of coll. Foldable."
  {:added "1.5"}
  [f coll]
  (folder coll
   (fn [f1]
     (rfn [f1 k]
          ([ret k v]
             (f1 ret (f k v)))))))

I don't understand the purpose of `rfn`, and there are others confused 
about it as well <>.

>From what I can see, `rfn` takes a reducing function `f1` and returns a 
reducing function with 3 arities. For example, macroexpanding

(rfn [f1 k]
     ([ret k v]
      (f1 ret (f k v))))


  ([] (f1))
  ([ret v] (f1 ret (f v)))
  ([ret k v] (f1 ret (f k v))))

When is the 3-arity form used? An example would be helpful.

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