
I deeply appreciate the diligent virtue policing, but I don't think calling 
out the Comité de salut public is necessary. There was no attack: I'm much 
more a Nathan than a Rich person. The world needs both kinds of people. For 
me, Clojure would have simply been Yet Another Lisp had Nathan not put 
together Cascalog back in 2010. Yin and Yang.

Given that Rich is the BDFL of Clojure and Clojure is an art project, as 
someone recently wrote, issues of style are far from irrelevant when 
discussing what should be in or out of Clojure proper.


On Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 10:34:10 PM UTC-5, Alex Miller wrote:
> Edwin, we can have technical discussions about this topic without 
> comparing Nathan to Rich or making comments about Nathan that may feel like 
> a personal attack.
> Thanks

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