Ubergraph is a batteries-loaded, immutable graph data structure for Clojure.

Version 0.3.1 includes a pull request from github user masztal that now
allows `viz-graph`, which is an ubergraph visualization tool using
graphviz, to pass along graph-level attributes to graphviz.

Ubergraph has now been in use for almost two years, and has no outstanding
github issues.

Given that Loom is Clojure's other main graph library, many people are
interested in how Ubergraph and Loom compare.

Broadly speaking, Ubergraph is a superset of Loom that fulfills Loom's
protocols offering several features and algorithms beyond what Loom

* Multigraphs and multidigraphs with parallel edges, i.e., multiple edges
between the same pair of nodes in the same direction.
* Multiple weights per edge (as opposed to one "privileged" weight
* Weights that are modifiable after initialization (in the immutable sense
of producing a new graph structure with modified weights).
* Mixtures of directed and undirected edges in the same graph.
* The ability to distinguish between an undirected edge and an opposing
pair of directed edges.
* The ability to traverse all a graph's edges while guaranteeing that
undirected edges are visited only once.

Because Ubergraph implements Loom protocols, Ubergraph can typically be
used as a drop-in replacement for Loom graphs.  For the most part, Loom's
graph algorithms work on ubergraphs, and Ubergraph's graph algorithms work
on loom graphs.  There are some exceptions to this, because in some cases,
the implementation of Loom's algorithms were not carefully implemented to
rely only on Loom's protocol abstractions, but were hard-coded to specific
aspects of Loom's concrete implementation.  And since Loom wasn't written
with multigraphs in mind, some of Loom's algorithms don't work properly on

Ubergraph's algorithm namespace contains a curated collection of algorithms
from Loom known to work properly on ubergraph's more general data
structure, improved versions of several critical algorithms from Loom, and
reimplementations of several key algorithms from Loom known to be broken on

I encourage people from the Loom community to test all newly submitted
algorithms against Ubergraph's concrete implementation of Loom's protocols
as a way to ensure that the algorithm is properly written to Loom's
protocols, rather than leveraging concrete implementation details.  Also,
this will give you an opportunity to think through whether your algorithm
works properly with multigraphs.  (Relatedly, I welcome pull requests
identifying Loom algorithms which belong in Ubergraph's curated set of Loom
algorithms known to work well with ubergraphs, or multigraph-friendly
reimplementations of those that don't).

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