If you have Leiningen installed, then run:

    lein cljsbuild once

The compiled Javascript will be in target/app.js

Admittedly this isn't very obvious to beginners unless you happen to guess
what the cljsbuild plugin does.

- James

On 29 January 2017 at 23:45, James Thorne <jamesthorne...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to mod a game called epitaph from github
> https://github.com/mkremins/epitaph
> The cljs files inside the src are easy enough to understand and I
> foolishly thought modding those were all that was needed.
> I signed up to github, forked and modded, found out this task was not so
> simple, abandoned the github and moved the modded files to my pc (when I
> figure this out I'll return to github)
> I now understand those files need to be compiled into javascript which is
> what the index file actually uses, part of the AOT compiling.
> I did the quickstart https://github.com/clojure/
> clojurescript/wiki/Quick-Start and figured out how to compile something
> basic,
> However since this was done in leiningen, I had to install that but still
> don't know how to compile using that (the tutorial talks about how to build
> a project.clj file but not how to actually use one for AOT compiling).
> I still don't know how to get the epitaph project.clj file to do it's
> thing and compile the pretty src files into ugly javascript
> So if anyone here is kind enough to help a utter novice out by showing how
> to use leiningen to compile the files for the epitaph game I would be very
> happy.
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