Ah thank you, I'll have a look at it.

On Friday, 13 January 2017 21:25:32 UTC, Alex Miller wrote:
> s/form is designed to return a version of the spec that can be sent over 
> the wire, saved to disk, etc. (There are a few known bugs with it still but 
> those are being fixed.)
> On Friday, January 13, 2017 at 3:19:03 PM UTC-6, david swift wrote:
>> I was curious and wondering if it is possible (and if so how) to store 
>> Clojure spec's in edn files?
>> I've an idea of (dynamically) loading spec's from say a resource/spec 
>> folder of app using some form of a lookup function and then use that 
>> analysis the code; 
>> I say this as I was looking to implement a kind of extensible system 
>> where people can add in their own spec's at a later point if they want to 
>> swap out or add new spec's.
>> I know a lot of people use an approach similar too
>> (ns your-namespace.spec)
>> where your-namespace already exists and holds the code that matches the 
>> spec namespace.
>> If this is not possible I thank you for your time :).

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