On 01.03.2009, at 01:38, Rich Hickey wrote:

> I've added letfn, which lets you define mutually recursive local
> functions a la CL's labels.
> (defn ring [n]
>   (letfn [(a [n] (if (zero? n) n (b (dec n))))
>           (b [n] (if (zero? n) n (c (dec n))))
>           (c [n] (if (zero? n) n (a (dec n))))]
>      (c n)))

I noticed that letfn does not permit destructuring in its argument  

        (letfn [(a [[f & r]] f)]
          (a [1 2 3]))

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: fn params must be Symbols  

Is this intentional?


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