On Feb 28, 2009, at 5:45 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote:

> As Rich explained in one post, in Lisp-like languages, there is a
> certain amount of intertwining between two views of a sequence which
> is a series of linked nodes.  One way is to think about these nodes as
> just nodes with a first and rest.  Another way is to think about each
> node as representing an entire chain from this node onward to the end.
> He explained that next is more like the "move from one node to
> another" view, and rest is more like the view of these things as
> collections, where rest gives you the collection of everything but the
> first.
> (rest []) translates in my mind to "everything but the first item of
> []".  There is no first item of [], and there isn't an
> everything-but-the-first-item of it.  It's empty.  You can't take
> something out of it.

One way to think of it is as the sequence version of:

;a set of the things other than first
(disj #{} first) => #{}

;a sequence of the things other than first
(rest ()) => ()

i.e. it's an empty container of a particular type.


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