Its a way to package integration details into a module.  For example, if I
want to cluster EHCache, I can drive through the code and figure out what
data structure to share and subsequently lock on.  All that work can be
packaged into a module for terracotta, so that way people who just want to
use ehcache + terracotta change just include tim-ehache in terracotta
configuration and that's it.

the same can be done for clojure. the details can be abstract to a


On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 8:16 PM, hank williams <> wroote:

>>   Writing a TIM is definitely the way to go, It's a place to hide the glue
>> until both Terracotta and Clojure catches up with each other.
> uhhh.... what is a TIM?
> Thanks
> Hank
> --
> blog:
> >

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