On Feb 25, 2009, at 16:32, Jeffrey Straszheim wrote:

> Is there any reason they cannot be implemented as structs with some  
> sort of type tag?

I suspect that could be done, but some nice features would be lost:

1) User-friendly printing.

I implement the multimethods print-method and print-dup for my  
classes, which allows me to specify how objects are printed. print- 
method and print-dup dispatch on class, so my types need to be  
classes or at least derive from a class that is distinct from the  
standard Clojure data structures.

Consider how the simple tree structure a-tree would print if structs  
with type tags were used for implementation! With my class-based  
implementation, I could even define a specific printing method for  
each individual type, and I expect to do that sooner or later.

2) Usability in multimethods

The above argument illustrates a more general problem: multimethods  
meant for use with a wide range of data structures can in practice  
only use class as a selector, as that is the only one that will work  
for the built-in data structures. Look at fmap in  
clojure.contrib.types.examples, for instance. It would make sense to  
add an implementation for maps that applys f to the value of each map  
entry. But I can't have that plus a type system based on maps with  
special tags - it's one or the other.

3) Usability in type hints

With types implemented as classes, they can be used in type hints on  
function arguments. While I don't expect any performance gains in  
this case, it is quite useful as a development aid.

4) Modularity

There are bound to be several type or class systems for Clojure, as  
for other Lisps. We already have Spinoza, for example. If all these  
systems use maps with type tags, there are bound to be tag conflicts  
sooner or later. For example, someone will create a Spinoza class  
with a slot whose name interferes with my special type tag. This  
can't happen with my closure-based implementation. It creates objects  
that are distinct by the very nature of their classes, so it doesn't  
interfere with whatever someone else may come up with.


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