On Feb 25, 9:12 am, Jeffrey Straszheim <straszheimjeff...@gmail.com>
> I really like the "close it as the last item in the sequence" trick.  Sadly,
> I don't see how it can be made exception safe.

Or partial consumption safe.

But there is a solution I've already developed for resource management
scope, called scope in the streams branch. I just need to finish it up
for trunk.


> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 9:02 AM, Stuart Sierra
> <the.stuart.sie...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > On Feb 25, 8:29 am, Meikel Brandmeyer <m...@kotka.de> wrote:
> > > That's interesting. I almost never use doall or dorun together with
> > > map. I found that most side-effects don't give interesting result
> > > values.
> > I often find I need to do this when the mapping function depends on a
> > dynamic context, like an open stream or an SQL connection. I'm not
> > using side effects in this case, but I have to make sure that the
> > sequence is completely realized before leaving the scope in which it
> > was created. This issue has been mentioned before, but there doesn't
> > seem to be a good general-purpose solution.
> > -Stuart Sierra
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