Ah darn, scooped!

Yes.  This is wonderful news!

Thank you so much Ilya for turning the IntelliJ plugin into a real 
product.  You have made many of us very happy, and hopefully brought 
IntelliJ some new customers.

For Mac users, this version should now work :-D Please give it a try and 

Thanks Ilya again,

Laurent PETIT wrote:
> Congratulations!
> 2009/2/24 Ilya Sergey <ilyas...@gmail.com <mailto:ilyas...@gmail.com>>
>     Hello, all!
>     I'm happy to present alpha-version of official Clojure plugin for
>     IntelliJ IDEA "La Clojure". It may be downloaded from
>     http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=4050
>     List of implemented features for now looks as follows:
>     1. Customizable code highlighting
>     2. Code folding
>     3. Brace matching
>     4. Code formatting with customizable indentation
>     5. Structure view for definitions
>     6. Go-to definition feature (as go to symbol)
>     7. Code completion for definitions and special forms
>     8. Run configuration for Clojure scripts (both in REPL or as
>     standalone script)
>     Some hints about installation and usage:
>     1. Plugin demands for IntelliJ IDEA build #9100 or later. IDEA 8.1
>     is perfect. Last EAPs may be downloaded from
>     http://jetbrains.net/confluence/display/IDEADEV/Diana+EAP
>     2. To download plugin use IDEA Plugin Manager (see Settings ->
>     Plugins -> Available) or unzip downloaded archive to
>     $IDEA_SETTINGS/config/plugins/ folder
>     3. To create new Clojure file, just press Alt-Insret in Project
>     View and choose "Clojure Script"
>     4. File template for Clojure scripta may be changed in Settings ->
>     File Templates -> Java EE tab -> Clojure
>     5. To run your Clojure script you may create run configuration
>     manually or press Ctrl-Shift-F10 (in Linux or Windows layout) on
>     appropriate script file opened in editor. In latter case run
>     configuration will be created automatically and script will be run
>     immediately.
>     6. Structure view window may be invoked on file by pressing
>     Ctrl-F12 (in Linux or Windows layout) or by View -> File Structure
>     Popup action.
>     7. To navigate to definitions (def, defn, defmacro etc.) use Go-to
>     symbol action.
>     I'm going to describe all these hints and features in simple
>     how-to manual.
>     Our bugtracker is available at
>     http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/CLJ
>     Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
>     Many thanks to Peter Wolf and Kurt Christensen for their initiative.
>     Kind regards,
>     Ilya Sergey
>     JetBrains Inc.
> >

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