I recently wrote a test framework for Scheme, initially similar to
what test-is provides; recently, it has been extended to add random
checks akin to Haskell's QuickCheck.
The syntax is very similar (I have not bothered defining a 'deftest'
form, but that is trivial):
(define a-test (test a-test (+ 2 2) 4)) <==> (deftest a-test (is (+ 2 2) 4))

The property syntax, inspired by the Fact library announced here, is as follows:

(define a-property (property add-commutes ([x randint] [y randint]) (=
(+ x y) (+ y x))))

which expands to a normal test, the body of which is a doseq such that
x and y both iterate over a sequence of random integers

The announcement on comp-lang-scheme is here:

I just filled out the contributor's agreement (I just need to mail
it), so if people are interested I can port the property part to
Clojure and file a request at clojure-contrib.


miʃel salim  •  http://hircus.jaiku.com/
IUCS         •  msa...@cs.indiana.edu
Fedora       •  sali...@fedoraproject.org
MacPorts     •  hir...@macports.org

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